Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things That I'm Learning (points 1,2 & 3)

Woody Allen once said that 80 percent of success is showing up.
You have already won half the battle if you COMMIT to showing up every day.
#2 BE CONSISTENT: Showing up is important, but its natural companion is consistency is what makes it a powerful duo. Showing up consistently is where the magic happens. These things, though easy to do, are also NOT very easy to do. Consistency yields results. No matter WHAT you are doing. GO ahead. I DARE you to do it.
#3 HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE.  Not only do you need to show up consistently, you need to it with a good attitude.
"When all things are equal, Attitude will set you apart from anything else. When you are going for a job - it's the difference maker..." --John C Maxwell.
For me, having a good attitude going into a workout DVD session makes me work harder and not quit. I've quit programs I've done before because my attitude was poor.
What kind of Attitude do YOU have on a daily basis?

Beware of the Cuckoo.

It's hard to have a positive attitude when we are bombarded with negativity every time we turn around. Media, magazines all strive to bring us "down". They don't improve your life or help you lead a better one. Those are Cuckoo.
The worst offender of being a Cuckoo could be the very people around you. Masters in the art of distraction who distract people from their jobs and what they want to accomplish. People who spread gossip, complain about how much they hate (work, job, life). Maybe even make fun of the people that WANT to improve the workplace. These people drag everyone else down with their complaining and negativity.
Don't let them pull you into their negative arena.

 Guard yourself from Cuckoos.

You need to create a Brain-Trust of like-minded people who think like you do.
"Every Truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first stage it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident."
- Arthur Schopenhauer.
In other words just because the Cuckoos are ridiculing you for stepping out of your comfort zone by putting out positive ideas and solutions. You CAN NOT allow these people to influence what you know is true.
What is the secret to getting through tough times? Where life is heavy and depressing?
--Count your blessings
--Embrace those times and know that you are not alone. They will make you stronger.

The Happiness Movement.

To project a positive attitude - you must have a positive and happy outlook on life. Glass half full kind of thinking.
Shawn Achor in his book Happiness Advantage he states," If we are positive our brains are more alert and engaged, free to create, which eventually leads to more productivity ...happiness and optimism actually fuel performance and achievement- giving us the competitive edge that I call the Happiness Advantage.
Waiting to be happy limits our brain's potential for success, whereas cultivating positive brains makes us more motivated, efficient, resilient, creative and productive which drives performance upward..."
SO What are your thoughts? How do you measure your happiness?

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